Yvenie Montilus
Foster Grandparent Program Manager

Ms. Montilus as one of the valued members of our team serves as Program Manager for the Foster Grandparent Program. Ms. Montilus has use her volunteer work, educational background in psychology and professional experience with direct care at The Arc of NJ to aid her in successfully recruiting and supervising volunteers age 55 and over, managing/ coordinating a volunteer program, experience with multi-site programs, excellent interpersonal and organizational skills, and ability to design and deliver in-service trainings. Ms. Montilus assists the executive director in daily program operations, managing all correspondence to and from all parties involved within the program, assisting with planning any training and technical assistance for all volunteers, and organizing and implementing projects geared for the elderly.
Madmwazèl Montilus se youn nan manm ekip la ki jere pwogram granparan yo. Madmwazèl Montilus gen diplòm nan sikoloji, li gen eksperyans travay an kolaborasyon ak “The Arc of NJ” pou ede rekrite ak sipèvize volontè ki gen plis pase 55 lane yo. Li gen bon jan kapasite pesonèl ak kapasite ogaizasyon epi pou devlope pwogram fomasyon.
Madmwazèl Montilus assiste direktè jenal lan nan operasyon chak jou. Li ede nan planifye, fè fomasyon ak bay asistans teknik pou tout volontè epi oganize ak enplinate pwogram ki kosène grandèt yo.